
We’re experts at carrying out high-quality market and social research; leading to truly actionable insights for both public and private sector clients. The design and mix of methods always depends on the project – there’s never a “one size fits all” approach to our work.

Whether market research with customers, business-to-business research (B2B), or social research, we offer a full range of quantitative and qualitative research techniques, including:


  • Telephone interviewing (CATI)
  • Face-to-face interviewing (CAPI)
  • Online surveys (through online panels or via a provided / specially sourced sample)
  • Omnibus surveys (nationally representative research vehicles on which small sections can easily be bought - cheaper than commissioning an ad-hoc survey)
  • Mobile research - all our online surveys are designed with the mobile / tablet user in mind
  • Postal surveys - somewhat of a ‘legacy’ methodology, but very valuable in certain scenarios
  • Online communities - can include a mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques when the community is engaged, potentially over an extended time period (longitudinal research)


  • Focus groups
  • Depth interviews
  • Online discussion boards
  • Deliberative events and citizens’ juries
  • Public dialogue events
  • Accompanied shopping trips
  • Mystery shopping
  • Video diaries and vox pops
  • Observational and ethnographic research

Our primary concern is giving you as much insight as possible and so the research methods we recommend will always be designed with this in mind. We begin by focusing on the business problem, the results or data that is needed to solve this and thus the analysis and type of fieldwork required.

For more information about our research services, please contact us.